You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Whole 30 Summary and Round 1 Results!


So I will say that one big reason to do the Whole 30 is to reduce inflammation and take our clean eating to the next level.  I admittedly felt like I hit a plateau in my nutrition so I wanted to kick it up a notch and this sounded like a program that I needed.

Slaying the sugar dragon? Yes Please! Controlling Cravings!? YES YES YES!

Why did we start this program? You can read about our Why HERE


So the physical results are one piece of this program but its NOT the only reason for this program at all.

Well for starters lets list out our non scale victories:

Fewer Blemishes
Glowing skin
Flatter stomach
Leaner appearance
Clothes fitting better
Less bloating
More patience
Improved focus and mental clarity
No headaches
No more fatigue
Improved workout performance
Less anxious
Less stressed
NO sugar cravings (Literally!)
Clearer thinking
Food is NOT a stress trigger (HUGGE)
No more emotional eating
I have learned to read labels! (And shop for Deals #ShopRite)
I know which foods make me feel GREAT vs. Crappy
I know the difference between hunger and craving

My Results

In all I lost a total of 5 pounds and 5.75" total. That breaks down to 3.5 pounds of fat alone!! With 3 inches coming of my waist alone! (Yeah!)  You can see the difference here and let me tell you I can feel it!!

 A great visual for why I could lose 5 lbs and have it feel and look like so much more is below.  Body fat simply takes up more volume in the body than muscle does.  So what was so AMAZING about this program is that it is NOT calorie restrictive!! Nope! But it proves eat the right kinds of food and workout out and you can TORCH body fat!!

This is just 30 days- that really is a drop in the bucket people!! Imagine what incorporating what I learned over this past 30 days could do woven into my daily life!! Hello!! Plateau CRUSHED! I'm going to take a break and start trying to add a few things I took out of my nutrition over this past month back in and see where it leads.  Hummus, some rice, I'll have the occasional cocktail or desert. But I do not want to reverse all this good work.

For our Facebook Live interview on our results click the link below! ;)

Whole 30 Results Interview- Ron & Daria

His Results

Ron lost 12.5 lbs over all and 4.75" - 1.5" off his waist and another 1" off his hips.  He lost a total of 9.47 pounds of fat and 2.7 pounds of muscle.  

The trade off is clear in the pictures! Just the amount of fat loss around his organs alone is AWESOME.  That makes such a major difference in overall fitness and hear health.  A total WIN!

What we found amazing is how we didn't really feel deprived once we got over the first week and a half.  Once we STOPPED the focus on what we couldn't have and started realizing how much we could have that flipped the script!

Realizing what your cravings where and how they were impacted by all the things we were just not eating.  The faded away.  Their hold was not as tight and it just didn't matter as much.  If you held out for 10-15 minute those cravings, well they faded!

Bacon Burger Salad- Yes Please!


I feel like this is the the NEXT LEVEL of clean eating.  Ron and I really thought about weather we could have been successful in a program like this prior to learning more about clean eating.  The truth is, we think we might have been successful but missed the REAL point of this program.

The GOAL was not weight loss.  It was breaking cravings and reducing inflammation, trying a next level of clean eating.  If you go into this with the right mindset, you can do amazing things.

But what to do AFTER the 30 days? Thats the KEY to this puzzle.  You need to continue the journey- you need to refine your habits and give yourself a chance to branch out and learn more!

 Would you be interested in a Clean Eating Challenge group?? Fill out this application if you are interested in beginning your clean eating journey- lets chat!

Fill out my online form.

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