You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Spring Fling - Simple Fitness Real Results

Summer is literally AROUND the corner! My challengers simply have gotten AMAZING results with these programs. Maybe you are looking for a tune up or to get ahead in time for Spring?

I have gotten amazing results with Beachbody programs. I never thought I'd see my abs and there they were!! I was simply floored! It's not selfish to want to improve yourself, to take care of yourself, and to make YOUR happiness a priority. It is CRITICAL!

One of my Amazing Challengers!

I'm Too Busy

I’m a mom, wife and business owner and I know how quickly I can put myself on the end of the priority list!! Mom guilt, its REAL! We feel like we have to be the “Julie the Cruise Director” of everything but our own life!

STOP- and lets get real for a minute. It all does NOT have to be PERFECT either! Nothing is! Its messy, we make mistakes, we don’t get it right the first, second, sometimes THIRD time!! NO MORE! There is always going to be a million other things that will take priority if we don’t put US FIRST! Listen if “Julie” goes down, the ship comes to a screeching HAULT!

What I have learned is taking time for myself makes me a better mom, wife and overall human being. So investing in my health and fitness for a 30 day group, YES I deserve this!
My Exercise Time is My ME Time

My exercise is my therapy! Its ME taking care of me for just 30 minutes a day so I can get on with the rest of my day, have a better attitude and check that damn box!! EVERYTHING is better when I get to have that time to myself! It doesn’t disrupt my daily flow and I feel like a million bucks when its done!

Fuel Your Body Right

I fuel my body with good food and I have the energy to work my full time business, and keep up with my almost 9 and 11 year old kids!

I drink Shakeology daily and it is my insurance policy that boosts my immune system, gives me 1 meal a day I don’t have to cook or think about and I’m getting what I need to function at my BEST.

I know that no matter what the day throws at me I can count on one of my meals to have literally everything I need to keep me at my best, my digestion at its peek and literally a daily dose of dense nutrition. Some days we cobble our meals together and I need one LESS thing to thing about!

I learned how to eat clean and I taught my family, my kids and my husband to eat the same way! Workouts have become a part of our lifestyle and I feel passionate about passing it along to others!
What do I Eat?

The meal plan is based on a fool proof portion control system. Once you learn it you can apply it to literally anything. But don't worry, I help all my challengers learn this system so they are set up for success! All Challengers use Shakeology so they have at least 30 meals they don't have to cook but at the same time get dense whole food nutrition.

The rest of the meal plan is clean eating. Even if that is a foreign concept to you, I walk every Challenger thru a "Prep Week" where they learn HOW to meal prep, even giving video tutorials and cheat sheets to ease everyone in. Even if you have experience here, there is always more to learn.

We subscribe to an 80/20 eating lifestyle. 80% clean and 20% not so clean (love those cheat meals!) This is the make or break part since you cannot out train bad nutrition.
What is this Groups Focus?

This month my focus is preparing for Spring and Summer in a way that is sustainable.  We all want results FAST but I want you LEARN something and have lasting results past this group! So instead of wasting your time on something that your trying for that "Hail Mary" pass just before Summer or a vacation, TRY THIS! Something that is going to get you

We are honoring our bodies by making time for ourselves. We are honoring our bodies by feeding it with good food and I'm going to teach you how!

I'm going to be breaking down meal planning step by step. Giving you simple easy to follow recipes and accountability. I am also going to be matching you up with a fitness program that meets your needs and guiding you from start to finish of the program we choose!

You will log in daily to our free app based accountability group daily for the tips of the day and motivation and accountability from the other members of the group!

What Next?

So which one is right for you? If you are getting back into fitness OR maybe already workout during the week but maybe it's more inconsistent? I can help you choose. The key is in the fact there is always a MODIFICATION! And you can still have your "treats and cheats" foods and even wine! (Hooray! WINE!)

My next group begins on March 19th! Get ready to crush those cravings right after Easter! Do you have what it takes? Apply below and I can get you all the details! My groups provide EVERYTHING you need to be successful!

They are PRIVATE and as interactive as you want them to be. I never leave anyone without the tools they need to get started right! It's like getting a cheat sheet for success! (Lord knows I love a good short cut!)

So what do you need to do? Fill out the form below, I'd love to talk with you more and get you in the group!

Whats it gonna be? More cover ups OR YOU meeting your goals!!

Lets do this!! Apply and lets talk about what makes sense for YOU!

I am passionate about these programs because they simply WORK- no fuss, no muss. You agree to learn this program and I'll be here to support you. You will get results! Can't wait to see the progress in my next group!! That includes YOU!!
Special Offer

This month if you take advantage and sign up for this group before March 19th you will be put into a raffle for a tub of Energize, pre workout! A $50 value just for trying this group for 30 days. I am committed to helping you reach your goals and to help you flip the switch and make this more than a trial but a way of life!

Fill out my online form.

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