You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Post Halloween Detox

So did all those Treats get to you?? I know I have little resistance but over the years I have discovered that feeling better beats all the Fun Size candy!

So how do you recover after a night or..... ahem.... WEEK of indulging on Trick or Treat candy??


Get that shizz outta yo house! Let the kids pick what they want but either donate or trash it baby! Listen its not doing them any favors either so do what you must to get rid of it.  Hey I know some parents that pay for their kids candy by the pound.  Whatever it takes! I know having it around doesn't help!


How do you rid your self of that sugar hangover? Pound the water!! You need to hydrate to fill yourself up and clear your head.  All that fuzzzy headedness comes from the sugar rush and crash.  If you continue your IV drip of sugar your just never gonna get back to normal.

Drink 1/2 your body weight in ouces of water per day minimum.  You'll start to feel more like yourself in no time!


Get moving, walk, do a workout on DVD (hint, hint) you need to get the blood pumping too and get back to a routine or start one to burn off all those extra FUN SIZED calories!! 30 minutes of workouts per day to get that metabolism PUMPING! Are you plugged into any challenge groups for the month? Getting up and crushing my workout every day keeps me ON TRACK! If you need help email me!

4. EAT! 

Yep, eat.  6 small thoughtful meals per day! You need quality, dense whole food nutrition.  What the heck is that? Start with an apple! Yep, an apple! Something with nutrient value and how about some nuts.  Toss a salad in there if your gonna get crazy, but it should be colorful.  And not M&M colorful, fruits and veggie colorful.  Basically get back to eating regular small meals to level out that blood sugar and you wont CRAVE sugar as much!

5. Refresh!

Sometimes those Sugar cravings are just too hard to put Pandora back in the box! So a quick 3 Day Refresh may be what you need to CRUSH those cravings and get back on track fast!!
So now is your time to shine! Take control of your health and fitness now and imagine where you can be in just 30 days or 60 days! There is time to really turn things around before the holiday gets in full swing! Honestly, I always say that this time year it’s not about depriving yourself of everything you enjoy but it’s about living a balanced life! 80-20 rule is how we spend the holiday season!

Thanks for hanging with me today on the blog! Have a wonderful Tuesday!!!

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