You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Whole 30: Week 3 Review


Bacon Burger Salad
Roasted Root Vegetables with Coconut Curry
Flavor God Ketchup Seasoning
Chicken Meatballs Over Spaghetti Squash
Celestial Seasonings Apple Cinnamon Herbal Tea (#Whole30Crack)
La Croix (flavored waters #Whole30CrackPart2)
We ran out of RX Bars- but it wasn't so bad! 

Daily Summary

Day 16-27 (Tiger Blood) So I will admit, Tiger Blood did kick in around day 17 FINALLY!! And I woke up feeling energized and ready to kick ass!! And I really was not sure this phase would happen-- at all!! I was worried for sure.  I sleep like I'm dead but the tiredness didn't necessarily wear off.  

Personal Development & Herbal Tea
Dinners are still amazing and good.  We are pretty creative in the kitchen and maximize the dinners.  Feeling pretty darn GREAT!  We had a moment of panic when we thought that we ate a Claussen Pickle with corn syrup (yep that panic happens when you are trying so hard to be good!!) but turns out the Garlic Sandwich Cuts- no sugar!!

I also did have a weak moment were I was dreaming about Hostess Snowballs but honestly, those cravings PASS! Which amazes me! Prior to this, if I felt like a pint of Ben and Jerry's at 10PM, I may make a trip to the gas station to get it.  Now, I'd rather just got to sleep!!

Day 21 (Interlude- I'm so over this!)  This is the time I hear people maybe get "food boredom" but we really have not hit that wall!! We have literally enjoyed EVERY DAMN MEAL.  And some of the ones we created! Sleep
So cheating on my plan dreams have stopped-- FINALLY, that was pretty funny!! I still look forward to my Shakeology as one of my meals per day but I make sure to make it more meal like by adding Spinach, Almond Butter, Unsweetened Coconut, Cacao Nibs and Unsweetened Almond Milk.  I look forward to it after my workouts.


Same, I'm still going STRONG on 21 Day Fix, energy is great.  I also use Energize tho pre-workout but I do notice I feel stronger and I'm using heavier weights.
This isn't a reduced calorie plan so I'm want to make my workouts count!

Real Talk

My issue last week with #2- we are all good now.  More greens and water make things work much better. It's hard to remember your water when you eat less per day so take that as a note! ;)


Week 3 - I can't believe its over really.  One more week and a couple days to go and we will be graduates!  I can honestly say there are things I don't think I'll add back in but other things I totally miss.  Like I miss my coffee with some Almond Creamer and Stevia- not gonna lie.  
Bacon Burger Salad- Yes Please!

I can live without snacks and eating less times per day is pretty darn freeing.  The meals I do have, we make them count.  

I did almost screw up totally unconsciously! I almost tossed an oatmeal cookie in my mouth while making dinner.  Ava made some with her dad and the plate was there.  So like I normally would I went for it and caught myself! 

The HABIT is real people!! It really isn't a "struggle" but more of a habit situation.  That is what I've really come to realize thru this process.  We create "rituals" around food that become unhealthy habits.  We are really enjoying this process, don't feel one bit deprived and have been amazed how really easy it was to incorporate into our daily life!! 

Treating ourself has changed - La Croix waters or even a hot epsom salt bath vs. a pint of ice cream.  I know it sounds crazy, but guess what its the real deal. Your drive for those cravings DIE- and I'm so glad they did!!

What would I do differently for Week 4?

Again, planning is everything.  This week I'm going to lay off the nuts and not overdo the healthy fats. Pay attention to my water intake.  Again, that is always the hardest part!! I don't know why, it always is not matter what program I do personally or advise on!

I am staying OFF the scale these last 2 weeks-- really its hard for me since I track weekly.  But I'm going on how I feel and giving up the scale until I'm done!! Wish me luck!

Do you think this is a program you'd like to try? I'll be opening up a Challenge at the end of Week 4! Message me if you think this looks like a fit!

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