You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

Monday, November 21, 2016

What to Wear?! Why is it so Hard? Holiday Problem #485

We have all been there, and I've been there PLENTY of times.  In the dressing room totally devastated, looking at the clothes and trying to be strategic about what I'm going to wear to showcase my best assets and HIDE all the flaws. 
I will say over the years my cousin and I have had a good laugh in some dressing rooms trying to shoe horn ourselves into some fashions and not getting the zipper up.  As hilarious as those sessions were, it sure was nicer when it was 80% of the clothes looked nice and 20% were fun.  But truthfully it was rarely those odds!  I would leave the store and deep down I was feeling disappointed and really upset with myself.  WHY couldn't I get it and figure this out.  Why did  I have to dress to HIDE anything?   I would always find something, but I surely wasn't feeling as FABULOUS as I wanted to.  Many times I just avoided shopping all together because why torture myself like that?

Listen up ladies- these are the straight facts.  And I know it because I lived it and I don't want you to struggle and feel that sinking feeling like I did after my shopping trip. 

FACT #1: Most off the rack clothes won't fit right.  PERIOD This is a fashion truth.  You need to budget for clothes and budget for a good tailor most times to get them to fit your body as they should!  Short, curvy  narrow, wide, we aren't built like a mannequin.  Even with weigh loss, you are CUSTOM baby!!  So don't obsess about the size number.  Just like the scale that can leave you with a false sense of failure.  How does it fit?  How does it look?  Does it fit you well at your widest point?  The rest can be altered!  Before you remove those tags consult with a tailor, you wan to feel your best and if it fits right in the right places, it will show in your attitude!

FACT #2: The Holidays can be the most fun and STRESSFUL time of the year!  all that stress tends to make people indulge more (emotional eating).  From family, financial etc… it is SO hard to find balance this time of year.  It is a vicious cycle, your stressed, you make poor choices, you become more depressed and so on and so on!  The difference is having a plan of how to avoid the cycle so you can enjoy the season!

FACT #3: It's NOT hopeless!  You have time to turn things around and start something positive before New Years resolution time!  You CAN enjoy the Holidays and the parties and stay on track while avoiding a 5-10 lb weight gain!   You can do it in a simplified way with full support!  Let me show you how you can meet your goals.  No it's not going to be overnight but in 30 days, you will be so much closer to your goal and see results where you haven't in years.  I promise you that!  As little as 30 minutes of exercise per day can reduce stress, keep you on track and help you not only breeze through the season, but come out the other end BETTER then when you started!  What a GIFT to give yourself!

YOU are worth the effort.  And sooner than you think, you can walk into that dressing room with confidence and end up pleasantly surprised instead of feeling like a bad joke!

I certainly felt fabulous in this family picture below.  However, I was corseted into that dress and if it had a button and God forbid it popped off, someone might have lost an eye!  

Let me help you!  Message me on how you can join my Fit for the Holidays Group- starting November 28th! You can make it happen, and I'd love to help. 
Fill out my online form.

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