You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

You Have One Life- Make it Shine!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

HUNGOVER and the Walk of Shame

Not the hungover you thought is it!! Let me start out by saying that nothing is perfect!! I struggle like everybody with nutrition and exercise. What I will say is when you start and stop as much as I have over the years you begin to understand what it means to eat clean and what effect that has on your body. That is not to say that you cannot have treats or cheat meal from time to time. And I'm surely no different.  

So I had a date with Ben & Jerry's last night. And like every date with a bad boyfriend,  it started out REALLY well. I had self-control, everything was going fine I was going to be home on time (put it back in the refrigerator) and I'm sure it wasn't going to be a big deal. Yeah, no, that didn't happen. Instead, I woke up my hair a mess, I didn't know where I was, I had nightmares all night,  crawling out of bed, where the heck did my phone go, let me grab my shoes as I do the walk of shame to the kitchen. 

Now seriously, I'm not kidding. I couldn't get out of my own way!! And I should know better because sugar does that to me. And I could've stopped. But I didn't! I also know that one indiscretion doesn't make me a nutrition "Ho-bag". This is not  going to deep-sixed my progress. I just have to pick up where I left off.  Simple as that. 

My point to all this is you need to understand what your real normal is. What does it feel like to eat clean for a long period of time and be consistent?? If you do that then you'll realize how some foods affect you negatively. You get to know your own body. And make the choice of whether really is worth it. Sometimes we eat so bad for so long that we think that is normal. 

Stay focused, stay consistent, and you won't be doing the walk of shame in the morning like I did!!

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